I recently noticed one of my Twitter friends, Nicole Wick, had posted an update that read, "if u or ur church doing something beyond the normal 2 reach/serve others? DM me. Looking 4 stories 4 series on Loving ur Neighbor."
Did that make sense? Let me re-write it in "normal", non-twitter speak, "If you or your church are doing something beyond the normal to reach/serve others? Send me a direct message. Looking for stories for a series on Loving Your Neighbor." I know. It's still not 100% grammatically correct, but that's Twitter and you get the point.
So, I did. I messaged her.
She has a series of posts this week about people loving their neighbors and she chose to interview me (and Lisa) about our mission here in Austin.
Wait... did I ever mention that I am an Urban Missionary? Well, I am.
Nicole wrote up an amazing post and I am honored to be among such a great crowd of Faith pioneers! You should go check out the post entitled "Jesus Loves the Disconnected (Part 1)." While you are there, check out the other posts in this series too!
Here is a teaser of what she wrote:
Did that make sense? Let me re-write it in "normal", non-twitter speak, "If you or your church are doing something beyond the normal to reach/serve others? Send me a direct message. Looking for stories for a series on Loving Your Neighbor." I know. It's still not 100% grammatically correct, but that's Twitter and you get the point.
So, I did. I messaged her.
She has a series of posts this week about people loving their neighbors and she chose to interview me (and Lisa) about our mission here in Austin.
Wait... did I ever mention that I am an Urban Missionary? Well, I am.
Nicole wrote up an amazing post and I am honored to be among such a great crowd of Faith pioneers! You should go check out the post entitled "Jesus Loves the Disconnected (Part 1)." While you are there, check out the other posts in this series too!
Here is a teaser of what she wrote:
"One of my favorite chapters in the book Jesus Loves You is the chapter titled 'Jesus Loves the Disconnected.' I think I identify with that chapter so much because we’ve all been there, haven’t we? In this Chapter Jason Harper talks about being so busy doing ministry that it seems we’ve forgotten what ministry is supposed to be about. He writes that ministry should about living 'amongst people who don’t look like me, act like me, talk like me or believe what I believe.' So, as I became challenged by this book and its reminders about those we should be loving, I became interested in Dave Hackbarth’s mission field in the heart of Texas. Dave writes a blog called “Covered In Dust,” shares my love of Twitter, and can be found loving his wife, son, and neighbors in Austin."
Read the rest here--> http://www.nicolewick.com