A very wise man once said "there is nothing new under the sun," and I agree with that wholeheartedly. However, every now and then I experience a situation where something is revealed to me in a new way and this is where I begin.
A few months ago a thought occurred to me when I was driving around (it's what you do when you are responsible for a territory the size of France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg & Switzerland... put together). Anyway, I was debating in my mind how to engage others with this Truth that I have found and whether or not it would make an impact on their lives like it has with mine. As I was chewing on this thought, it occurred to me that knowing, believing and living are completely different actions. While they may be related actions, it is possible to know something and not believe in it; that seems obvious. What may not be as obvious is that while this it true, it is also true that it is possible to know something and believe it to be true but still not have it impact your life in a way that it becomes a part of who you are; in other words, it's not "real." Let me illustrate.
I believe that the Grand Canyon exists. The imperical evidence that it is real supports this fact. I know that it exists because of friends that have told me that they have seen it and they have shown me pictures. However, I have never been to the Grand Canyon myself and cannot share in their passion, awe or wonder. It is almost like I need to experience it for myself to truly understand its beauty. I have even heard it said that you must watch someone loving something before you can love it yourself. I know that this is true.
Likewise, it is possible to know that Jesus exists and even believe in Him but have it not affect my life through how I live. If I am not living as Jesus lived and taught, what good is my knowledge and belief? Let me put it another way. No matter how much I think I know about God and Jesus and even practice religion in His name, what good is it if I am not living what I know and believe everyday in every situation? The more that I can align my knowledge and belief with Jesus' teachings through my actions, the more like Christ I am becoming. I am refering to heart-driven actions and not just hollow acts that look good. I am learning that this "know, believe, live" idiom is the litmus test of my journey and that I need to ask myself daily, "Am I really living like this?"
A few months ago a thought occurred to me when I was driving around (it's what you do when you are responsible for a territory the size of France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg & Switzerland... put together). Anyway, I was debating in my mind how to engage others with this Truth that I have found and whether or not it would make an impact on their lives like it has with mine. As I was chewing on this thought, it occurred to me that knowing, believing and living are completely different actions. While they may be related actions, it is possible to know something and not believe in it; that seems obvious. What may not be as obvious is that while this it true, it is also true that it is possible to know something and believe it to be true but still not have it impact your life in a way that it becomes a part of who you are; in other words, it's not "real." Let me illustrate.
I believe that the Grand Canyon exists. The imperical evidence that it is real supports this fact. I know that it exists because of friends that have told me that they have seen it and they have shown me pictures. However, I have never been to the Grand Canyon myself and cannot share in their passion, awe or wonder. It is almost like I need to experience it for myself to truly understand its beauty. I have even heard it said that you must watch someone loving something before you can love it yourself. I know that this is true.
Likewise, it is possible to know that Jesus exists and even believe in Him but have it not affect my life through how I live. If I am not living as Jesus lived and taught, what good is my knowledge and belief? Let me put it another way. No matter how much I think I know about God and Jesus and even practice religion in His name, what good is it if I am not living what I know and believe everyday in every situation? The more that I can align my knowledge and belief with Jesus' teachings through my actions, the more like Christ I am becoming. I am refering to heart-driven actions and not just hollow acts that look good. I am learning that this "know, believe, live" idiom is the litmus test of my journey and that I need to ask myself daily, "Am I really living like this?"