"It's hard to grow up," Jonah says to me with defeat in voice and a sigh on his breath. With empathy I replied, "I know buddy, but you can do it. I believe in you."
Jonah was facing Resistance.
Resistance is always available to meet you in what could be your most defining character-building moments... and it's insidious goal is to prevent you from moving forward.
Resistance is the voice that tells you that you can't.
It is the invisible wall that you hit. It is the block that kills your creativity. It is the heavy blanket that keeps you in bed. It is the distraction the kills your productivity. It is the unseen chain the binds you from pursuing healthy endeavors.
Resistance always seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.
It is always pushing you back. It is the counter measure to every good intention. It is unrealized potential.
Resistance will always let you downgrade.
It is the tide you push against. It is the comfortable. It is the known. It is the almost adventure that you could have had.
Resistance is futile.
It will never allow success. It will always entice you to become ineffective, unimportant.
Push through.
Choose the harder conversation. Choose the path unknown. Choose the adventure. Choose to leap hoping the net will appear. Choose to be stretched. Choose to face that which scares you.
Resistance will never quit and so neither must we. We must choose to fight because to surrender would be choosing the lessor existence, choosing to be less human.
Reclaim your life.
For more on Resistance and how to overcome it, I highly recommend The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.