I recently took a business trip to Rocky Mount, VA, near Roanoke. This was a cross training exercise with my employer as we shift our focus from several scattered, fractured business units into a more compelling, unified force in the window and door industry. (ironic- cross training). Anyway, as is customary with most of the companies that I have worked for in the last several years, I was to fly from the best place in the world, Austin, to Roanoke with about twenty-two stops in between (I guess it's cheaper that way). On my way to Roanoke, I read about three chapters in Soul Revolution and planned on finishing the book on the flights back. Well, my plans and God's plans don't always head in the same direction. God casts big picture type of plans and mine are usually about me. His plans are usually better too.
This story starts at a layover in Charlotte, NC, heading back to Austin...
I had just de-planed from my flight from Roanoke and made my way over to the terminal for my next flight to Austin. Now I have to tell you about this habit that I have when I fly. I try to guess who I am going to be sitting next to for the next several hours. Do you do this? I have this uncanny knack for being right about 75% of the time.
So I walked up to the terminal area and started my scan. There he was. I knew this guy was who I was going to be sitting next to for the next couple of hours. I have to be honest, when I saw him I just shouted in my head to God, "Please not him! He'll want to talk and I want to finish this book and listen to some Hard Bop jazz on my Zune. C'mon God, it's a Christian book!" It didn't take long before God responded and prompted me in my heart that this was who would be my "suite mate" for the flight to Austin. God immediately reminded me of a podcast conversation that I heard Erwin McManus give at Mosaic one day about a flight experience that he had.
Erwin had been getting promptings from God to talk to the guy next to him on a plane from LA to somewhere in Canada and Erwin refused to do it. Finally, about 15 minutes before landing, Erwin gave in and started to dialog with his "suite mate" reasoning that God is a big God and can accomplish anything in that short 15 minute time period. Much to Erwin's dismay, the pilot informed everyone that they could not land and that they would have to turn around and head back. Erwin confessed that he thought it was like God was telling him, "Hey, I gave you the entire flight here to talk to this guy and you waited to the last minute. Now you have the entire flight back to talk to him."
I really wanted to get home to my family so I willingly told God, "Alright, if you want me to talk to this guy then I will do it." I quickly added, "But you're gonna have to give me the words to say 'cause I am not really good at this type of thing. Ya' know, I've never done this before."
Now before you get the wrong mental picture of this character, let me try to illustrate what he looked like.
His facial features appeared to be of a British descent and at first I thought he might actually be David Crowder's long lost brother. He was as tall as the day is long. Seriously, he must have been 6'6" or taller. He probably weighed in around 180 pounds and could have easily been mistaken for a tooth pick. His facial hair told me that he really didn't like the idea of shaving either.
Here is what tipped me off that this was going to be an interesting flight.
He was dressed in all black (not a bad choice) but it was the type of all black that was very reminiscent of a very conservative, traditional, orthodoxical religious group. The crucifix hanging from his neck was proof positive of that assumption. He wore black shoes; black pants; black shirt; black skirt-thingy; black beanie hat; black leather belt (on the outside of this shirt).
I am not traditional. I test everything and question often. I am a musician and have a rebellious streak in me. I hate labels. Don't define me or put me in a box! I am a t-shirt and jeans guy following Jesus. If I could, I would have a mohawk or some crazy hairdo. I wear sandals a lot (it's an Austin thing).
This was going to be an interesting flight!
I walked off to go use the restroom and came back to the terminal area. He was still there but now engaged in conversation with a young lady. I was still a bit in denial at this point but did not want to ask God for some type of sign to tell me that this was His Divine arrangement. I wanted to move into this Divine moment willfully trusting God that this was His doing.
I boarded the plane and sat in my window seat. I slowly waited with fearful anticipation. I was nervous and excited at the same time... but tried to hide it. Before I knew it, a big, overweight gentleman sat down next to me.
What?!? I was sure that the "David Crowder monk" guy was supposed to be sitting next to me. What was going on?
I saw the protagonist walk down the aisle and in the opposite window seat in my aisle. Then it happened. The lady next to him explained that the large guy next to me was her husband and she asked my "monk friend" if he would be willing to trade seats so that they could sit together.
So he moved and sat next to me!
For the next 2-1/2 hours we engaged in conversations about life, music, God and theology. It was an amazing experience! He is a really cool guy with a crazy; "imperfect" past (just like most of us). God completely guided me through the conversations and, as a result, we exchanged emails to keep in touch.
To answer the question that you may be thinking... what religious group? He is a priest with the Russian Orthodox Church and was on a trip back from New York where he got the "OK" to pursue developing a new community of followers in Florida. The community will be a monastery for monks who will engage in the very traditional practices of devoting their lives to prayer and solitude. I asked him how he saw this impacting his community for Jesus and he responded by telling me the goal is to pray a lot. That is over simplifying his response. Essentially, by way of prayer, they intend to change their community by hoping that God will draw out the right type of people to their community as they seek God in their solitude.
I am an advocate of private practices like prayer but I fail to understand how solitude will draw people to God. After all, Jesus told His followers to go into the world (here and here and here and here). All throughout the early church, we saw examples of Jesus' disciples going into their culture and engaging people in conversations that led them to Jesus.
I like my new friend. He wants to follow Jesus too.
However, religion just makes us obedient and moral. A life patterned after Jesus moves us into a new way of living that brings us out of our own self-addiction and into an adventure like no other. It is a revolution of love that has no boundaries that lives in constant connectedness to the God who made us. It ignites within us the passion to seize Divine moments to radically change the world and do the most good in every situation if we are willing.
Life in Jesus is bigger than religion and moral codes. Life in Jesus moves us past obligation into anticipation. Life in Jesus frees us from our past and propels us into our future.
I will never forget that plane ride from Charlotte to Austin. It is the day that I willingly participated in what God is doing in the world. God asked me to engage someone through conversation and to show His love to a complete stranger. I am glad I was listening for His promptings. I am glad I willingly responded.