Have you ever thought that prayer seems to be a bit of a funny thing? I mean, most of the time we talk (out loud even) to Someone we can't see. Now that I put it that way it does seem a bit weird, huh? I am learning some new truths about prayer that I have never experienced before. However, the thing about prayer is that a lot of world religions do it. I am not a world religion expert but I do know that Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists all pray.
Prayer is a conduit, a connection, a pathway. It is a conversation with an ebb and flow that continually connects us to a real, living God.
Now this is where my newly discovered truth starts. A lot of how I pray involves my talking to God (I am sure I am not alone on this one). In fact, I am glad that God is a good listener because I know I don't much like being talked to in a "conversation." I like it better when there is an exchange of ideas, words, dreams. I don't like when a "conversation" is simply one person just appeasing another by standing there waiting so that they can tell you their next idea (and sometimes even before you finish your thought). Yuck!
Since I am off on a tangent, can I just express my disgust for "canned prayers" too? Can I just be honest with you about this? Prayers that just spout off a bunch of words that we memorized when we first came to our faith in God are nothing more that chants. In fact, I come across this type of thing a lot. Heck, books are even published with "canned prayers." Great! Learn the methodology on how to pray but please, please move on to a more heart-felt exchange. God did not create us to be a bunch of mindless, heartless robots that spew a bunch of rehearsed words at Him. While there is nothing inherently wrong with chanting canned prayers, it is a distraction to the power that lies in true, connected, heart-felt prayer. These canned prayers are a starting point but sadly most of us never progress further. It's like we started eating rice cereal as an infant believer and 30 years later we are still eating rice cereal as a "mature" believer. I digress.
I am discovering that in order for me to be in constant prayer, I need to shut up and let God start talking to me. I know. Novel idea, huh? That means that I need to be quiet and listen for God's voice. Here's the cool part. When we do this... God actually speaks to us. I have heard His voice; a small whisper that when you hear it you know it's God. I know, weird. But if you listen for His voice and seek Him, you will hear his voice. I don't know how God will speak to you but I do know that He will respond if you are listening.
The funny thing is that God is speaking to us everyday but the more we choose to follow our way and choose our busyness and follow our own entertainment, the less we hear His voice. God has not stopped talking, we have stopped listening. Can you remember the last time you heard nothing? I mean nothing. No sound. No white noise. No traffic in the background. Nothing. Me neither. There is always something fighting for our attention. We need to be diligent in this prayerful practice of being quiet before the Creator, Father God of the universe because He is up to something in this world and He wants us to be a part of it. Are you listening?
Prayer is a conduit, a connection, a pathway. It is a conversation with an ebb and flow that continually connects us to a real, living God.
Now this is where my newly discovered truth starts. A lot of how I pray involves my talking to God (I am sure I am not alone on this one). In fact, I am glad that God is a good listener because I know I don't much like being talked to in a "conversation." I like it better when there is an exchange of ideas, words, dreams. I don't like when a "conversation" is simply one person just appeasing another by standing there waiting so that they can tell you their next idea (and sometimes even before you finish your thought). Yuck!
Since I am off on a tangent, can I just express my disgust for "canned prayers" too? Can I just be honest with you about this? Prayers that just spout off a bunch of words that we memorized when we first came to our faith in God are nothing more that chants. In fact, I come across this type of thing a lot. Heck, books are even published with "canned prayers." Great! Learn the methodology on how to pray but please, please move on to a more heart-felt exchange. God did not create us to be a bunch of mindless, heartless robots that spew a bunch of rehearsed words at Him. While there is nothing inherently wrong with chanting canned prayers, it is a distraction to the power that lies in true, connected, heart-felt prayer. These canned prayers are a starting point but sadly most of us never progress further. It's like we started eating rice cereal as an infant believer and 30 years later we are still eating rice cereal as a "mature" believer. I digress.
I am discovering that in order for me to be in constant prayer, I need to shut up and let God start talking to me. I know. Novel idea, huh? That means that I need to be quiet and listen for God's voice. Here's the cool part. When we do this... God actually speaks to us. I have heard His voice; a small whisper that when you hear it you know it's God. I know, weird. But if you listen for His voice and seek Him, you will hear his voice. I don't know how God will speak to you but I do know that He will respond if you are listening.
The funny thing is that God is speaking to us everyday but the more we choose to follow our way and choose our busyness and follow our own entertainment, the less we hear His voice. God has not stopped talking, we have stopped listening. Can you remember the last time you heard nothing? I mean nothing. No sound. No white noise. No traffic in the background. Nothing. Me neither. There is always something fighting for our attention. We need to be diligent in this prayerful practice of being quiet before the Creator, Father God of the universe because He is up to something in this world and He wants us to be a part of it. Are you listening?