As I have mentioned previously, I am engaging in a 60 day experiment mentioned in John Burke's new book, Soul Revolution. I have had several great experiences where I have responded positively to promptings from God in different areas of my life. However, I recently experienced a failure that I thought I should share with you.
covered-in-dust: Encouraged by failure? Monday, September 15th 2008
This entry sucks!
I have been really happy with the refreshed relationship that I have been experiencing with God on an hourly basis throughout my 60/60 experience... until Sunday. My son wouldn't cooperate in Kids Quest this weekend so I ended up in the Family Room. While I was listening to John & watching my son, I casually looked outside toward the Garage & that's when it happened. I saw a lady that I am pretty sure is homeless walk up to the refreshment area. God prompted me to go outside. I froze. The thought came to me to pray with her. I was caught in a weird vortex of wanting to go but not being able to move. My feet wouldn't move. Ugh! She left. I asked God for forgiveness for my lack of movement in that Divine moment. After some time, I realized the silver lining... 6 months ago I might not have recognized God's prompting me in that moment. While I don't like my failure to respond, I am encouraged by the growth in my relationship with God and my awareness of His presence.
I called this "encouraged by failure" because the only reason I had the failure is because of my willingness to listen to God on a continual basis. After all, "failure is not falling down but refusing to get up (Chinese proverb)." Had I decided to forgo this experiment and not continue after the first 60 days, I would be missing out on the Divine moments that God is giving me to make an impact on the world around me. Now, I realize that I failed and I do not condone my lack of movement, but so many of the "great heroes" in the Bible failed too. Peter denied he even knew Jesus. Saul (later Paul) proactively killed Christians. David committed adultery then had the girl's husband killed. The list goes on.