The trouble with "the tribbles" in my life is that they are reproducing.
The tribbles are trouble. They come in many forms.
Overheating truck. Flooded apartment. Non-functioning air conditioning. Heating system that smells like something is burning (scary). Torn jeans. Broken sink sprayer. Funky smell of water in the wall (post flooded apartment). Lack of income and surmounting debt. Unexpected expenses.
The list really does go on...
The tribbles do not stop. They keep going. Each day brings another dozen tribbles. They are trouble.
I have no time. I have no motivation. My lack of time leads to lack of motivation which leads to... you guessed it, a lack of time.
I gotta get off this merry-go-round with these tribbles. They are quite troublesome. They are reproducing.
I have not lost faith. I am persevering. Perseverance breeds character- Jesus' character. Jesus' character is flawless, lacking nothing.
I have not lost hope. The hope set before me of life with Jesus; life of the fullest. The temporal nature of this present difficulty, how can it compare? The abundance of the now/here of Christ alive within me- beautiful. Nothing is more glorious than seeing Him face-to-face... but this present suffering sucks.
I despise these tribbles for they are trouble you know. But they will one day be gone. Jesus will remain. I will cling to Jesus and let the tribbles have their trouble.