I wrote a Words of Life devotional for Life Today with James Robison. As I am sure you may have guessed, the title of the devotional is "faith, risk and diving boards." Here is a brief snippet of the devotional:
"'It’s not possible,' I thought as I peered over the edge of the diving board. My heart beat wildly in my chest and my knees felt more like jelly than bone and muscle.
'I have no idea why on earth anyone would want to do this! What’s wrong with people?' My thoughts were doing a great job at giving me the courage to take that risk and jump. If I could get them to shut up for five seconds, I just might do it.
I slowly moved up toward the edge again and looked down on my mom, who was encouraging me to jump. But she didn’t see what I saw: the water. It looked like solid glass or transparent concrete. I swear a mysterious breeze started to blow and shake the diving board. Did I mention this was an indoor pool?
I don’t remember how old I was at that point in my childhood, but I do remember the timidity and fear that seized me as I failed to bravely conquer that diving board. I don’t really think it was the diving board or swimming or scaling heights that was at stake. It was my trust."
To continue reading this devotional, please visit their website HERE.