"Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle; those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file. Spectres are an ideal, a symbol. The embodiment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. They are the right hand of the Council, instruments of our will. Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold. You are the first human Spectre..."
- The Council, Mass Effect
"We're at war. No one wants to admit it but Humanity's under attack. One very specific man might be all that stands between Humanity and the greatest threat of our brief existence. We need a leader, and surround him with the brightest, the toughest, the deadliest allies we can find. The team will have to be strong, their resolve unquestionable."
- The Illusive Man, Mass Effect 2
Identity. Who am I? What is my purpose?
Those words have often echoed throughout the empty spaces of my heart and soul. At times, they have pained my existence with doubt and fear reducing me to nothing more than a helpless child hoping to cling to his Daddy for love and affirmation. This utter dependency on the Giver of Life is good and beneficial in healthy doses. But, the powerlessness and fear and timidity that are often associated with such incapacitation has a tendency to squelch the true power of the Spirit of Christ that resides within me and who is able to overcome all things.
The King needs warriors, champions for His Kingdom not court jesters, fools.
A statement of identity defines one's existence and shapes who they are and how they will respond at any given moment. An identity flows from the desires, dreams, and values placed within us. An identity is like a passport or filter that impacts every decision, every relationship, every interaction.
The process of allowing The Magnificent One to breath afresh within my soul the identity that He crafted within me was gut-wrenching, simple, and arduous. Listening and wrestling, receiving and creating-- giving shape and form to inaudible words like a sculptor crafting a masterpiece from a slab of marble; this is not for the faint of heart. The development and formation (though Divinely guided) of rediscovering my true identity was and still is shocking, intimidating, and awe-inspiring.
It brings me to a place of inward worship-- a place of honor, humility, and confidence.
The scared little boy was about to find out who I really am.
God speaks to us about our design though our desires and we build our lives around how we are designed... but there is a cautionary word that must be given-- do not suppose you understand your design or desire. Not all desires are rooted in God's design. Not all design is as God intended.
This is where the Spirit dance of listening and acting, receiving and creating begins. This much I know about the waltz of uncovering my truest identity in Christ... I cannot own what I do not name. Naming my identity as His Spirit leads, staking claim to the singularity of my uniqueness in Him is essential to understanding who I am in ANY circumstance, ANY context.
Words emerged. Images began to take shape. A new character that is as old as I am is reborn. My identity takes shape, form.
It reads...
I am FireWolf-- passionate and majestic-- the mystical warrior poet and hero of Light who sees the Invisible and hears the Inaudible. I am a barbarian, a vanguard, one of the dangerous, radical free, who boldly hunts and pursues souls to awaken and unleash hearts for the King.
Yes, this is it! THIS is who I really am.
My identity now serves as a catalyst for mission in every aspect of my life. If I stood tall and steadfast in my true identity in each area of my life-- fully present in all strength, humility, and freedom-- who would I be? What gift would the world receive from God through me in each of arena of my existence? What splendor would be revealed in me by His Spirit to His glory and praise?
Visions appear. My body posture is set in motion. The story of my mission is being told to me through the Spirit of my Creator in word, imagination, and fluid motion as I begin to create gestures and stances like a tai chi master. The flow of movement reveals a theme.
So I write...
My mission is to inspire vision and direction through activism and to provoke hearts to greater intimacy and freedom in Christ.
See, little boy, you are becoming a man. There is no need to fear for the Sustainer of Life has spoken to you and given you a new name. You are FireWolf and you have a mission. It is now time to take up arms and fight the good fight. The Spirit of the Lord is on me because He has anointed me. The blind need their sight restored. The oppressed need freedom. It is the year of the Lord's favor!