I find in intriguing that in Scripture we are to restore one another when caught in sin and not convict one another when caught in sin. Often in church-world, the message is that we need to "call out" people and clearly denounce and disprove of the persons actions while using Scripture to back up our "right-ness" at the expense of disavowing their character.
They are a Christ-follower and co-heir with Jesus; an adopted son of God! We ought to "call out" what is most true of them and allow the Spirit to convict, not us. Yes, talk about the sin. Yes, acknowledge the behavior and harmful thinking, actions, and/or emotions... but restore them!
To restore someone is to bring them back, to make them healthy, to redeem, to reconcile-- not condemn, not guilt, not shame.
How much more glorious would our Church look if it behaved like Christ and the woman caught in adultery? Jesus neither condemned nor condoned her sin. Rather, He restored her through forgiveness and grace then told her to go and turn from her sin. If only we did the same for one another!