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Image credit: Kenn Delbridge (Flickr user Aural Asia ) http://bit.ly/Xt8Odj Used with permission in accordance with CC license |
Yeah, me neither.
I'm kidding. It happens to me too.
The crazy thing is that for me it's not always the obvious thing that presses into me. It's usually the almost unnoticeable comment that suddenly permeates my heart and mind with such precision that I honestly wonder how on earth it's possible for me to stay the same.
Those watershed moments, those threshold moments call me forth. I stand on the precipice of something new that either I can ignore and keep life the same, familiar. Or I can lean into this newly uncovered truth with curiosity learning how to wield it like a young apprentice clumsily training a freshly acquired skill.
I've done both in life. I can honestly tell you, the latter always produces growth and freedom... though it's never easy and requires all of me.
Two weeks ago, I came across such a threshold. I was on a conference call with several of my coaching colleagues and spiritual cohorts-- Justin Williams, Michael Warden, and Tim Pynes-- conversing about the brilliance and glory that we witnessed at the most recent BraveHeart Intensive men's retreat. While we celebrated the good, the noble, the exciting, we also discussed places to look for growth and betterment. There, in that place, I heard something I've never heard before.
It seemed so small at the time, so inconsequential. But then it grew. It's echo reverberated across the landscape of my soul. It ignited the embers of my heart with possibility.
The words simple and true rang forth...
"Dave, you're the right guy with the right thing to say, right now."
It slipped right by me at first. Then, it circled back. Later in the day, it reappeared. Days later, it perturbed my mind and beckoned my heart to a new frontier.
So, I took it to my King and asked Him about it. I was curious: what did Jesus want to reveal to me about the truth if who I am? How can I more fully embrace this truth? How have I not shown up like this? I wanted to not only embrace and live from this place but to also recognized the moments that I shrink back from this truth. Both are necessary and needed for growth.
Then, I realized something even more profound: I've never been told this before! No one has ever affirmed this about my core identity. I was stunned. After 36 years of life I finally heard that my voice matters. And it doesn't just matter, it's needed!
Sure, people have granted me permission to speak but this isn't about permission. Sure, I've contributed to conversations but this isn't about contributing. This is about authority. My voice carries authority and what I was being told that day is that my voice is needed in this world.
But it's more than that too!
I'M the right guy.
I'm the right GUY.
I'm the RIGHT guy.
I matter. I'm needed.
What a paradigm shift! All my life I've been told in one way or another: "Settle down and get in line like everyone else" or "Yeah, that needed to be said but not by you" or "Next time, take the conversation offline."
Play small.
Get in line.
Follow the herd.
Keep your mouth shut.
Blend in.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." (John 15:16 NIV)
Jesus chose me. And He didn't just choose me but gave me His Glory as well.
"I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:22 NIV)
I matter to the Kingdom. You matter to the Kingdom. If Jesus chose us, how then can we play small? What good is it if we shrink back?
To clarify, this isn't a spiritual ego trip but a claim to what is most true of us as followers of Christ. We are under His Kingship and we have a role to play.
God is telling an epic story and He didn't choose worthless slaves or orphans to do the job. No. He chose sons; sons who are co-heirs with Christ. Now, live in that freedom and go reclaim His domain!
Follow my cohorts here:
Justin Williams-- twitter.com/justinthecoach
Michael Warden-- twitter.com/michaeldwarden
Tim Pynes-- twitter.com/timpynes
For more information about BraveHeart, check out the following: