I gotta be honest, I am wrestling with why I write and why/what I communicate. What is the purpose? What drives me to do this? What am I really trying to accomplish? What IS the point?
I am still wrestling.
I have not discovered the answer but the topic lies heavy on my heart.
I am in a fog.
I have several posts floating around my head and in my heart but they won't come out until God can give me some clarity.
For the record, I am not going to quit but I am doing a heart check.
If all you see here is me... then this blogsite is worthless. If this blogsite moves you to question, wrestle or seek out Jesus and God... awesome. If the ramblings of my life propel you to live out a life chasing after God with your all your heart, mind, soul and strength or seeking after Jesus with a renewed passion... great. That's the point. I am not.
Nothing I say here is of importance if I get the praise. I am not doing any of this stuff in my life but it is God working in me and through me. Don't miss that point.
File this post under transparent confessions of a recovering self-addict.
BTW- I will not be allowing any comments for this post. If your not sure why, please reread this post.
For the record, I am not going to quit but I am doing a heart check.
If all you see here is me... then this blogsite is worthless. If this blogsite moves you to question, wrestle or seek out Jesus and God... awesome. If the ramblings of my life propel you to live out a life chasing after God with your all your heart, mind, soul and strength or seeking after Jesus with a renewed passion... great. That's the point. I am not.
Nothing I say here is of importance if I get the praise. I am not doing any of this stuff in my life but it is God working in me and through me. Don't miss that point.
File this post under transparent confessions of a recovering self-addict.
BTW- I will not be allowing any comments for this post. If your not sure why, please reread this post.